Seth GodinSeth's take: Three simple and difficult steps Get smarter. Hurry Learn something new and difficult and valuable. Learn it today and continue learning it tomorrow Solve interesting problems. Ignaz Semmelweis saw the same problem that others saw. But he took responsibility and solved it (worth a read). Care. More.
This takes guts because it means you'll have to do something. If you can invest in these three assets, what happens to your leverage? Your value? Your choices? There are people who can cut corners better than you, work more hours than you and certainly work cheaper than you. But what would happen if you became the person who was smarter, better at solving problems and cared the most? Our take: In the hands of the pilot team and eventually, the whole population of the organization, the value of Seth's insights and innovative educational contributions encourages the release of individual potential and empowerment, enhancing the sensemaking-understanding and enaction of all within an organizational transformation initiative.